Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Routine

Get up, zombie shuffle to coffee machine. Drink coffee, surf internet/email/etsy/ebay listings/etc, take pills. Make horrible face at bad taste. Get on with the day.

I bought a medi-set (pill organizer) to keep track of whether I'd taken my cocktail of pills in the morning. Some you have to take with food, some you can't take with B-vitamins... and so on, so they get spaced out throughout the day. There aren't that many of them, but a crapton more than I'm used to taking. I've never taken meds in my life except for PRNs (as needed). Also, they're mostly vitamins for preventative reasons which makes me feel a little bit better. The downside to having a medi set is:  mine's on my desk so I'm reminded of which days I cheated!

Every once in a while I ramble on about nothing. This would be one of those times!


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