Friday, June 7, 2013

I Am Jack's Hardcore Fangirl

Sooo, I love Jack Nicholson. I've been an even bigger fan than before ever since the Oscars a few months ago. I couldn't find a video of him presenting the Oscar with the First Lady, but I did find this video of his acceptance speech for Terms of Enderment, and this video of him crashing Jennifer Lawrence's interview. I would have had the same reaction!


Ahem. Etcetera.  One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest was a little boring but hilarious in select parts. And I LOVED The Shining.

So the Mister and I watched "Chinatown" last night. Jack wasn't hard on the eyes in earlier years! I have to say though, the film was long winded, the plot was sort of nebulous and it never really comes to a solid conclusion at the end. I liked Nicholson's (as Jake) part in it. There's a line toward the end of the movie when another detective is grilling him at a crime scene and said detective comments on the cut on Jake's nose which he got earlier in the film. Without missing a beat, Jake says:

"Oh yeah I guess your wife got a little excited and crossed her legs too quick if ya know what I mean!"

Then he flashes that signature grin as the other guy swings at him. I loved it! If anyone happens to know where I can find a clip of Mr. J  presenting the 2013 Oscars, let me know! The quick-and-dirty version is a comment he made to the effect of:

"I guess they didn't want me around those girls in their gowns... taffeta... heh!" ... and then again with that lecherous Nicholson grin, and I lost my shit laughing. Somewhere in the recesses of my id is a snarky, flippant little person that takes after the guy.

Love it! Anybody else seen any good Nicholson movies? (Also: he was the best Joker!)


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